Wednesday, June 30, 2010

About me

Hello! I'm Julie and I'm a fairly new Longaberger Home Consultant. When most hear Longaberger they think baskets. I am more than a basket lady and that's what I hope to tell you about in the days, weeks, and months to come. First let me tell you about myself. I'm married and live in WV. That's not western Virginia, but West Virginia. Yes we are a state! A beautiful state. Come visit us! I work at a local Curves gym as a fitness trainer and assistant manager. Curves is a facility specially designed for women that features 30 minute circuit training and a weight management plan. If you are a woman and haven't visited a Curves in your area, you should. I love my job. I help women feel better about themselves every day. I have a married daughter and a grandson. I've been dabbling in direct sales for the past 10 years or so. I currently sell Avon & Mia Bella candles in addition to Longaberger products. At one time I sold coffees and teas and 'make your own' jewelry. I was a crafter for several years and sold my products in booths and at shows. Even though I've dabbled in direct sales for awhile, I had my first home show last night. I never ever thought I would do a home show. Think again! Enough about me now... In my next post, I'll tell you a bit about Longaberger.
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